5 Top Foods That Clear Acne

There are certain foods that clear acne. These foods will not only help with acne related problems, but it will also be beneficial for the skin and health in general. It is no secret that eating healthy foods will provide you with more energy and improve the skin's condition.

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands and mostly appear on the face, neck, back, shoulders and chest. It can be present in the form of pimples, spots or cysts.

Acne is very common among teenagers due to hormonal changes, but is not unusual to find adults with this skin condition. It is also difficult to get rid of and many people have to go through trial and error to see what works for them.

There are several things that you can do to improve your skin's complexion, and one of them is by watching what you eat. By adding foods that clear acne to a healthy diet your skin's appearance will improve.
Best Foods To Clear Acne

1- Water- Increase the amount of water you drink every day. Aim for two to three litres a day. This may seem like a lot but there are great health benefits from drinking plenty of water. The body needs to be well hydrated to be able to get rid of toxins that can aggravate your acne problem.

If you are not used to you can start with two or tree glasses and increase the amount weekly. Herbal teas such as chamomile and green tea are effective for acne and count as water intake.

2- Increase Fiber- Eating enough fiber is vital for the proper functioning of the intestines, to get rid of unnecessary remains and to properly absorb basic nutrients, which in turn will help to maintain the skin clear.

3- Fruits are among the foods that clear acne- The following fruits can help with acne. Eat them often to help you with this skin condition. Papayas, mangoes, berries, melons and apples.

4- Add more vegetables to your daily diet. Vegetables such as asparagus, artichokes, carrots, spinach and broccoli are a good source of antioxidants and will help to maintain a healthy skin.

5- Low fat dairy products- The vitamin a contained in these products is essential for healthy and clear skin.

If you want to obtain a healthy complexion is better if you stay away from oily and processed food, salt, sweets, alcohol and foods that contain white flour. Avoid frying the foods, instead opt for healthier options such as baked or grilled food.

Find out about other ways to take care of your skin and achieve a more clear complexion here tips for clear skin and check this advice on Skin Rejuvenation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Blanca_Ciotoiu

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