Acne and Wrinkle Free Skin Is Necessary for Self Confidence

Getting Great skin has been my best revenge!

I had nice hair, pretty blue eyes, and liked to smile. My skin you ask? Well it was ok. I didn't have one of those complexions that people always complemented. I constantly broke out with acne, wrinkles were starting to form around my eyes, smile lines were becoming more prominent and I always looked tired. I was in my early thirties, mother of three and my husband had just left me. I was stressed out, ate cereal for dinner and didn't pay attention to my skin or my appearance like I used to. My self-confidence, well it no longer existed, after all he left saying "no one would ever want a middle-aged single mother of three". What did he say? Did I really look middle-aged?

One morning I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. And how could I let him be right? But he was, I looked older.

You know that moment when you snap out of a dream and something changes? I needed to start taking care of myself and stop being afraid of the possibilities.

I needed to regain my self-confidence and it needed to start with my skin, a face-lift. But not the kind of face-lift you're thinking of. I took these important measures to change my skin and recommend that you do the same:

1) Start on the inside adding whole foods. Whole foods are fresh fruits such as melons (think cantaloupe and honeydew), avocados, and apples. Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and bell peppers are great whole foods. Acne can really react to ones diet so these foods can pack a punch and offer major beneficial ingredients for your skin and hair. Drink plenty of water. Water is one of the most important things you can add to your diet if it's not part of it right now..

2) Research what vitamins and supplements are best for your skin, I have an entire list of beneficial vitamins and minerals that I can share with you. Some will help repair and some will help deter unhealthy skin.

3) Follow doctors and experts in the field and their recommendations to clear acne and diminish wrinkles. If what you've been doing isn't working don't give up. Ance and old, tired, wrinkled skin doesn't have to be a part of your life anymore.

4) Research the causes of acne and sun damage and don't just make assumptions anymore.

5) become an EXPERT on skin care. Once my skin cleared up and my fine lines diminished I felt not only confident but radiant.

I hope you find this information helpful and just the beginning to having great skin!
Jami Queale
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